AgeDEFY Yoga after Hip Replacement

The moment I returned home from finding out about my hips, I grabbed my computer and went down the google rabbit hole. At the time I was teaching 12 yoga classes a week and was the owner of a popular cycle and yoga studio in Denver, Colorado. My only concern at that moment was to find out if I could do yoga after having a hip replacement.

Here’s what I found out:

“While the anterior hip replacement has a much lower risk of hip dislocation, it is recommended that you avoid poses that place your hip in extension. Poses to be careful of include warrior 1, warrior 2, crescent lunge, pigeon, dancer pose, backbends, and triangle.”

Needless to say, I decided at that moment I was never having my hips replaced! I was not going to stop my beloved yoga practice and I refused to quit teaching. I would just deal with the pain. Think tantrum and you would pretty much understand exactly how I felt in the moment. My google search wrecked me and I should have known better to stay away from google.

It wasn’t easy, but I found my way around my pain. I had to quit yoga but yoga never quit me. I will always have yoga running through my veins and now I want to help people like me.

I had to quit yoga because at the time there was no variation to the yoga practice, for people with arthritic hips. No one was teaching yoga for people with hip replacements so I really had no other option but to stop yoga.

This is why I am coming back with AgeDEFY yoga. I don’t want people with hip arthritis to have to give up yoga like I was forced to. This is why I am starting the AgeDEFY yoga series.

It’s important for me to bring my experience back to the yoga mat and I plan to do this by creating, a safe way for people with new hips to do all the poses listed above.

Let’s begin with Dancer pose (Natarajasana) … Watch the AgeDEFY 5 minute Dancer pose clinic to find out how to dance again with new hips!

Dawnelle Arthur