Why everyone needs to know how to do a headstand

Headstands are for everyone!

Being able to do a headstand with hip arthritis, was my saving grace during my four-year pain journey. This is why I believe everyone needs to know how to do the AgeDEFY headstand pose. You can never know when you will need it.

I never thought I would/could, be someone with arthritic hips but after years of teaching yoga, trail running, hiking, snowboarding, and adventure racing I found out I needed both of my hips replaced.

I chose to postpone surgery for four years, to learn from my pain and to create a movement medicine program, for people with chronic hip pain. I wanted to provide myself and others, who were experiencing chronic pain with another pain-relieving option - other than physical therapy, yoga, and prescription medication.

Yoga was no longer working for me, physical therapy wasn’t something I had time for, and prescription medication isn’t my thing. So what was someone like me to do?


Find out more about headstand movement therapy by watching the video blog below.

Dawnelle Arthur