AgeDEFY On-Demand — How it Works

AgeDEFY @ Studio BodyAbility with AgeDEFY Movement Therapist, Dawnelle Arthur

Studio BodyAbility is the live studio on Zoom and AgeDEFY on-demand is the studio where you can take the live classes at your own pace from home.

If you can't make it live, do the next best thing ... Work with Dawnelle on a coaching program from home!

I know it's fun to go in and randomly pick workouts to do but do you know what is even more fun?

Following a full program from beginning to end to find out how far you can go by having a coach at home with you!

Take a look at the January programming at

This month we are training for the yoga dancer pose and King Dancer pose.

The AgeDefy Movement Therapy dancer training series develops greater flexibility in your spine, shoulders, and hamstrings. It also stretches the entire front of the body, while strengthening the back muscles, to improve posture. The better your posture the younger you look and feel!

IF you're a live class member, take the classes you miss by following the on-demand program at home and if you're an on-demand member, take all four classes every week for 30 days to get the same coaching experience as we do live at the studio!

Even better, if you miss the January training, it's okay because it will be there for you to begin when you're ready!

One more thing, if you're not ready for a program, no worries.

We still offer random (awesome) classes such as 20 minute morning AgeDEFY workouts, MobilityFLOW, Cycle, BarreFLOW, and QiFLOW workouts you can do whenever you want!

Take a look inside the studio.

Sign up for the free week

Begin with Week 1 of the Studio BodyAbility January program

Commit to 4 workouts during your free week trial membership

Connect to me through email, messenger, or sign up for a free consultation on Zoom to let me know your goals.

The better we get to know each other the better the programming!

Join our community and let me be your coach!

Move Young to Live Young ... Give it a 7 day try!

Dawnelle Arthur